··本汉化教程版权为Abvent和本人共同所有,请勿将此系列译本用于任何商业用途,否则将被追究法律责任,本人已经和abvent相关管理层取得联系并达成协议,以下是Julianna Gulden 经理的最终回复:
Abvent International Media Relations and Communications Manager:
Julianna Gulden
Hello -- thank you for your interest in Artlantis. We would be
interested in you translating and publishing the Artlantis tutorials as
long as you make them available to us (Abvent) and you do not sell the
information. If your intention is to sell the Chinese tutorials then we
will have to enter into an agreement.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Julianna Gulden
Thank you very much for sharing the samples of your Chinese translations
of the Artlantis tutorials with us. As you are not charging for these
downloads, and you continue to cite Abvent as the owner of these
tutorials, we are happy to have you share these translations with your
Chinese-speaking colleagues. Please let me know if I can ever be of any
assistance to you. Thank you for your commitment to Artlantis!
Julianna Gulden