Better management of the memory because the goemetry has been optimized. This way
we can open larger data bases and to avoid the message: « The Rendering Engine has
Crashed ».
? When rendering the points of views with soft shadows have been optimized until 10 time
? Optimisation to render with multi-processors computers. Average gain until 3 times faster.
? Optimisation of Artlantis KeyServer, no more need to relaunched Artlantis KeyServer when a
cleint has been disconnected by accident, the KeyServer will detect Artlantis when the
disconnected computer will reappear on the network.
Fixes since version 2.0.3
- Crash when editing the camera in 2D View.
? Artlantis Render doing "Add all views" we had also animations listed.
- Create a new material, it was already affected.
- Mac Animation: Timeline window called from the Window menu didn't came in front.
- Preview OpenG: if the camera was distant from 500m to the target the background became a
- In Russian and Japanese versions some Shaders and title of folders were not translated.
- A psd rendering gave artefacts in final rendering.
- Render later list we didn't gave acces to these files formats BMP, TIFF, PICT, PSD, Piranesi
- Impossible to open an atl file becauise of a unicode issue.
- In Japanese version, changing the name of a material changed the name of an attached
texture tinto an other material.
- Animation: the camera vanished as well as the path.
- A group of objects duplicated generated a random distance between each other.
- Postcards drag and drop of Shaders not working.
- Artlantis crash with 2 screens.
- Crash with Neon Glass Shader.
- Points of views lists, the preview image was surrounded by a white frame.
- Neon Glass Shader had no effect in rendering.
- psd rendering gave artefacts in the sky.
- Animation: when a sequence was deleted, the Undo command didn't retrieved the
- Panorama renderings in jpeg or tiff: the image didn't show unwrapped but in a row of 6
- Offset between the position of the cursor on the Timenline and the Preview window.
- The ratio LxH of a created Shader was stretched.
- A renderning file get a double dot before the name of the extension file.
- Depth of field unchecked, the tool to to set the depth stay activated.
- The catalog window do not display all the columns.
- The Standards Media were not localized in Russian.
- Axes was frozen when using the Site insertion tool.
- Impossible to open a SkechUp file.
- Create a new location Artlantis crashed.
- When rendering an animation the first calculated image took the size of the Preview
- Neon Light Shader fixed.
- Under Windows: Color mix of animated people didn't work..
- Transfert a Shader on an other material, the concerned material didn't highlight.