V-Ray 3.60.02 for SketchUp
[New Feature]
(*) Implement camera focus based on the camera target or based on a fixed point in 3d space[Improvement]
(*) Handle the Multi Matte render element chip
(*) Rendering animation without an output image path should be allowed
(*) Improve EnvironmentFog lights list handling
(*) Implement 'Replace material' function [New Feature]
(*) Fix issues with Batch and Animation rendering
(*) Improve the V-Ray UV Tools [Task]
(*) Update AppSDK builds to 1.24
(*) Update OLS Installer to 4.5.1
(*) The Light Intensity tool should stop accounting for the power cache of IES lights [Bug]
(*) Importing a model with procedural textures converts them all to Bitmaps
(*) OSX: The Light Intensity tool's value display is scaled down
(*) The V-Ray tools location is incorrectly set
(*) Pack Project does not archive properly if designated name contains a full stop
(*) Imported vrscenes cannot be hidden
(*) Diffuse slot Bitmap textures do not show up in their corresponding SketchUp materials if their name includes non-Latin characters
(*) VRay fails to load when Overlay fails to initialize
(*) Renaming materials during IR causes IR to stop updating with them
(*) SketchUp 2015: Importing .vrscene files causes a crash
(*) Unable to render on machines with UTF8 character OS Usernames
(*) SketchUp Materials with transparency appear on top of the VPR
(*) Scene update during CPU Interactive Stereo rendering changes the camera to Mono
(*) Updating Interactive Stereo VR rendering changes the Camera to standard mode
(*) Volumetric Environment effect multiplies with each parameter update
(*) Renaming a sub-material, saving the SK file and then loading it leads to two copies of the material with different names
(*) Discrepancy between progress status and the actual render process
(*) SketchUp 2018: Toolbar layouts are not saved between sessions
(*) Face material assignments are not updated properly in IR
(*) SketchUp 2018: The 'Fit' UV Mapping methods cause an error for specific meshes
(*) The render process continues after the image has been completed when using small bucket size
(*) Improper file path autoresolve of missing Bitmap texture image files
(*) Skatter is not working with 3.60.01
(*) SketchUp 2015: Deleting special objects from the Asset Editor doesn't delete them from the SketchUp components list
(*) Attempts to create an instance of deleted proxy crashes V-Ray for SketchUp NeUI-Core NeUI 1.1.3
==================================================== [Improvement]
(*) Change the default slider ranges for the Spot Light angles and impove the tooltips
(*) The Render Interactive icon should use the same teapot position as Render Production
(*) Expose 'movement_rate' parameter in the Water texture UI
(*) Expose the Cast Shadows and Only in Secondary options for the MtlASGVIS
(*) The Animation settings should go out of the Render Output layout
(*) Add options for changing the Camera Target source
(*) Re-arrange the environment overrides for the MltASGVIS wrapper [New Feature]
(*) Implement MultiMatte render element [Task]
(*) Drop the VRayFur's Map Channel setting [Bug]
(*) Reset (disable) material interpolation options with the migration script
(*) The Water texture tooltips are missing
(*) OSX: Open file picker windows do not appear
(*) The Progress Window scrolls down to the bottom on mouse-click
(*) Asset Editor's Material tabs appear black when inactive NeUI 1.1.2
==================================================== [Bug]
(*) NeUI hangs if a scene with enabled VR Camera and Image Filter is loaded
(*) Missing UVWGenChannel/uvw_transform in a 3.4 scene causes a crash in 3.6 NeUI 1.1.1
==================================================== [Improvement]
(*) Change the VRay plugin that the Linear Workflow texture handler uses to support 'Diffuse Alpha as Transparency' of the BRDFDiffuse
(*) Implement 'option_glossy_fresnel ' for the BRDFVRayMtl
(*) Add the ability to apply materials from the selection/layer directly from the library [New Feature]
(*) Implement less error prone workflow for replacing/reassigning materials
(*) Upgrade to V-Ray Swarm 1.4.3
(*) Re-organize and improve the GI and Caustics disk-caching options/workflow
(*) Re-organize the Camera parameters
(*) Improve the V-Ray Color Picker UX and functionality [Bug]
(*) Set TexMaxGamma::gamma must be float, instead of AColor
(*) Cannot save materials to the file system by drag&drop of the material preview
(*) The Render Element creation list should not appears on top of the input text field
(*) Swarm Tags pop-up menu becomes buggy and re-appears on mouse click
(*) Changing the Gradient map color slider produces incorrect results
(*) The Proxy Export window shouldn't allow exporting a proxy to a non-existing location
(*) Renaming a VRscan material causes it's UVW options to stop functioning
(*) Typo in the V-Ray BRDF Refraction info tooltip (reflection/refraction)
(*) Editing a VRscan material displays a preset error
(*) Advanced Camera parameter Aperture (F-Number) should not get disabled when DOF is on
(*) Advanced Camera parameter Shutter Speed should not get disabled when Motion Blur is on
(*) 2D Texture placement 'UVWGenChannel.wrap_u(v)' parameter should be set to '0' every time Mirror is disable
(*) The checkbox for VRayBRDF:Opacity map does not affect IR
(*) Renaming a material refreshes its Quick and Advanced settings panels
(*) The vrayneui icon requires further refinement
(*) The Stereo mode toggle often becomes permanently grayed out
(*) A 1px thick black line appears under the 'Add Material toolbar'
(*) Disabled path pickers' fields are selectable
(*) The default Disc Caching file name is always "Untitled" instead of the project name
(*) Render buttons dropdown is not properly positioned when open
(*) Changing a color of a Gradient map does not result in any change in the texture and the ramp widget.
(*) File type settings plugins does not get exported to/imported from vropt files
(*) Unassigned materials slotted in a Blend material do not get purged on the first try
(*) Toggling the "Show in Viewport" button of map owned by non-material plugin applies the map to the currently selected material
(*) IES Light's intensity value from the NeUI updates Rhino's light intensity value but not vise versa
(*) Cannot drag & drop a vismat file into the material editor
(*) Material fails to load correctly
(*) Disabled dropdown inputs have inconsistent text color
(*) Filled in path pickers fields are barely visible when disabled
(*) Number inputs fire change event even if the value has not been changed
(*) Restoring any of the NeUI windows after being minimized resets its position back to the center of the primary display
(*) The auto scrolling to new added/created materials stops working after you manually select material from the list
(*) Interactive and Bucket workflow issues
(*) The available devices list must not be fetched if NeUI is not active
(*) The gravity's map checkbox of V-Ray Fur is incorrectly hooked to the bend's map
(*) VRayFur is not affected by textures
V-Ray 3.60.02 for SketchUp 安装程序下载地址: