We hope that you are enjoying Lumion.
Lumion Free has now been updated and a brand new version is available for download. You'll need to register in the Lumion forum and click on "Customer Area" in order to download the new installer:
Download and unpack the .ZIP file in a temporary directory, and run the setup file.
You can keep older versions of Lumion installed without problems.
Some of you have already taken the plunge and upgraded to Lumion Basic or Lumion Ultimate. People like you make it possible for us to continue to add new features and improvements to Lumion, so we're grateful for your support.
If you have any questions or would like to share your work with the rest of the community, we'd love to hear from you in the Lumion forum.
The Lumion Team
Here are some of the improvements in the new version of Lumion Free:
You can now place objects a lot further away from the center of your scenes.
If you press F9, all trees and plants in the viewport will be rendered at their best level of detail, so that it's easier to see where you need to add more trees and plants in a scene.
Camera animations are now smoother than before, and ambient occlusion shadows (SSAO) have been improved.
The "baking" process which optimises rendering performance for many identical objects is now a lot faster and uses far less memory.
A new "Show Layer" effect with keyframes has been added, so that you can show the different stages of the construction of a building in a single clip.
Edge smoothing in movies has been dramatically improved thanks to a new "Smooth edges" effect which will be replacing the old "MLAA" effect. This effect is ideal for rendering movies in 2-star mode if you haven't got time for the more costly x16 edge smoothing in 3-star mode.
Please check out the attached ChangeList_LumionFree.txt for a detailed list of changes.
附上下载地址:http://download.lumion3d.com/5E0 ... mionFree_SP2_B7.zip