The first Twinmotion contest is over and this is the moment you all have been waiting for: the announcement of the winners!
请让我先说说,这次真的难倒了我们这些评委,因为要评审这么多渲染作品,还有其建筑项目的质量和渲染图的美学表现。我们想借此感谢参赛者所付出的时间、工作投入和支持。还有,非常感谢我们的合作伙伴 Dell,Nvidia, ATI 所提供的超值奖品和我们的媒体伙伴们的对这次活动给予的推动,让这次竞赛举办得如此的成功。
Let me first say this was no easy task for the jury, taking into account so many renders, the quality of the architectural project as much as the aesthetics of the renders. We would like to thank them all for their time, input and support. Also, a very warm thank you for our partners Dell, Nvidia, ATI for the incredible prices and our media partners for their coverage making the contest such a success.
Last but not least, we would like to thank all the contestants for their entries; we sincerely hope that you enjoyed working with Twinmotion as much as we enjoyed looking at your work.
现在不再多说客气话了: 奉上得奖者们!
Now without further ado: the Winners !