SU老怪㊣ 发表于 2011-3-11 03:12
有没有人在SU里也弄这么个工具箱 ?
Hey buddy, I never said I am a foreigner and I told more than 4 times that I am a chinese in some of my threads. But guys here are not reading the english so they always ask me who you are! Problem is that I can not explain again and again to everyone who was asking.... hehe...
Think about, why a foreigner surfing in a chinese bar? So, why I do not use chiense is because I have problems with my computer and till now i have no solution, I am not pretending, cheating or gambling, see, I did not ask anything here, right? so , I am so respect you because i learned so much from you and want to be another you! Contribute more to this bar and other friends, that is what i am doing here. all threads i posted is the works i did, i never copy and paste.... so let us be a good friends! shake hands and warmly hug! |