MysticThumbs3.2.3 Trial Reset and eternal evaluation -
0.(Trial expired? No problem.Install mysticthumbs323.don't attempt to reinstall Windows.)
1. terminate process - MysticThumbs.exe.
2. download then unpack it.find 3 reg files for 32bit & 64bit can choose for your system.
when dont know the system,choose TR for Custom.
3. apply reg file for your system(32 or 64 bit or custom installations)
4. run MysticThumbs.exe
5. run MysticThumbsControlPanel.exe or MysticThumbs.cpl then click register Lic key,
open dialog,everytime you would get more 1 month evaluation.
i.e. set the date 2017/10/15 MysticThumbs eval period would be 2017/11/15.
set the date 2012/10/15 MysticThumbs eval period would be 2012/11/15.
you can use it anytime.