3D Object Converter 是一个强大的3D文件浏览及转换工具,到目前的V4.2为止它已经可以支持多达510种3D文件格式!
无论是像LWO(LightWave)、C4D(Cinema 4D)、XSI(Softimage XSI)、3DM(Rhinoceros)、LXO(Luxology Modo)等这样的常用三维软件文件格式,还是像MDX(Warcraft III)、MD3(Quake III)、3DO(3DO Builder)、P(Final Fantasy 7)等这样经典游戏内的模型三维格式它都可以读取或转换。
软件可运行于 Windows95/98/Me/NT/2K/2003/XP/XP 64/Vista
A powerful 3d model translation and interactive viewing shareware tool that allows arbitrary 3d model data to be imported from external sources, exported to various industry standard 3d file formats with great accuracy and quality. The program supports 510 file formats. It is available for Windows95/98/Me/NT/2K/2003/XP/XP 64/Vista.