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• Fixed: slow rendering of instances in all scenarios.
• General speed improvements in certain scenarios.
• Fixed: hanging renders at high sampling levels in certain scenarios.
• Fixed performance issue with roughness = 0 in certain scenarios.
• Fixed “embed alpha”: it now works with the tiff format in all cases (it was working with “tif” but not with “tiff”).
• Fixed “embed alpha”: it now works even if the depth set in the preferences for the alpha format is different from the render output depth.
• Display routines optimized in both performance and memory consumption.
• Fixed problem when Maxwell Render was launched with a Rendernode license using a third party network manager (instead of the Maxwell Render network system).
• Fixed: padding in animation now works with an arbitrary number of digits. I.e: name.xxxx.mxs, where xxxx can be any number from 1 to 256 digits.
• Fixed potential issues resuming MXI files after closing the session.
• Added EXR / TIFF32 alpha embedding.
• Improved performance in scenarios with multi-BSDFs (slow specular reflections, etc.).
• Improved performance in scenarios with more than one light.
• Fixed: artifact in the left corner of the output image.
• Fixed bug with infinite refraction bounces.
• Fixed black dots when additive exceeds energy in certain cases.
• Fixed range of IES sliders in Multilight.
• Fixed aliasing artifacts in viewer when zoom was set to 150% and 75%.
• Fixed memory leak with Color Multilight.
• Fixed: image is saved correctly if display is off (when the render is finished).
• Improved info displayed in the console.
• Fixed crash in Thin SSS in x64 bits.
• Fixed: other scenarios that crashed with subsurface scattering.
• Fixed aliasing in shadow channel.
• Fixed: weird patterns on screen display generated with certain resolutions, depending on the number of emitters in the scene.
• Fixed: some indirect lighting was still computed when the “indirect lighting” checkbox was disabled.
• Fixed: channels (alpha, zbuffer, etc.) were sometimes written to disk unnecessarily.
• Fixed: sun caustics (and sometimes emitter caustics) were too bright under certain conditions.
• Fixed: when BSDF weights were mapped they were sometimes weighted incorrectly.
• Fixed dielectrics / SSS with roughness higher than 90.
• Fixed crash when a material had displacement assigned to a hidden object.
• Fixed: certain Color Multilight combinations mixing sun and emitters gave wrong results.
• Fixed matte.
• It is now possible to clear the render console using the RMB menu or through main menu/ view/ clear console.
• Fixed: Rendering animations in Maxwell.exe from the UI with “View > Display Render” unchecked was not saving the final images, but just the MXI files.
• New license panel manager (accessible through menu/ help/ license info).
• New command line argument “-depth: 8/16/32” to specify the image depth.
• Fixed some UI issues.
• Fixed: internal timers are more accurate and robust now.
• Fixed: time displayed was incorrect after resuming an MXI file.
• Fixed: blending a layer with ghost case (nd=1 and Trans=white) with other BSDFs was showing transparency incorrectly.
• Improved: ghost case (nd=1 and Trans=white) in additive blending mode.
• Fixed: ghost case (nd=1 and Trans=white) with emitters.
• Improved conversion of old materials with BSDFs with ghost case (nd=1 and Trans=white).
Improved support for complex IORs with multi-BSDF or multi-layers.
• Better translation of reflectance and transmittance from Maxwell Render version 1.7.
• Improved mechanism for finding old, missing r2 files.
• Fixed crash trying to read an invalid r2 file due to bad ASCII codes.
• EXR format improved.
• Fixed “Save sky as EXR”: it was failing in certain cases (the sun turned black when saving in EXR format).
• Color space combo is now located in the Edit panel and can be changed interactively as ISO/ shutter, etc.
• Auto-updates enabled. There is also a preference to disable auto-updates. Maxwell Render automatically checks for updates weekly.
• Fixed: Mac OSX was not properly loading certain image formats and depths.
• Fixed: material preview was not finding certain textures.
• Fixed: “focus to” was not working in certain scenarios depending on the OpenGL settings.
• Fixed: “pack and go” was not packaging IES and IOR files properly.
• Fixed: “pack and go” was ignoring some files if the scene had not been saved before packing it.
• MXMgallery panel: added new field “version” which shows if the material has been created with Maxwell Render version 1.x or 2.x.
• Fixed: the loading process of degenerated geometries is now more robust.
• Fixed: the FBX importer was failing with specific files.
• Fixed: decimals in the attenuation distance control of the Material Editor were not saved.
• Fixed: inverse selection in Object List was failing.
• Fixed crash on exit in some scenarios when there was no OpenGL viewport visible in the layout.
• Fixed: material snapshots were stored in locations other than the temp folder.
• Fixed: shading of certain objects was not always properly read.
• Fixed crash creating UVsets of null objects.
• Fixed: IES position in the viewport was wrong even after using Center Pivot.
• Maxwell Studio now asks the user for missing IBL textures only if the environment is set to IBL.
• Fixed some small UI issues.
• Fixed: clone material was not cloning the active displacement layer.
• Fixed: Mac OSX was not properly loading certain image formats and depths.
• General stability improved.
• New “save log” function in the file menu.
• New preference added for saving logs automatically when the application is closed.
• Now the OS of each Rendernode appears in the Nodes panel.
• Fixed potential problem purging temp folders while rendering.
• Fixed: removed jobs do not appear in the monitor’s jobs list if it is disconnected and connected again.
• Monitors now show information about the progress when receiving files.
• Fixed preview when the manager was in Mac OSX and the output path was a Windows network path.
• Fixed display issues in the monitor (it was showing wrong information when reconnecting).
• Fixed: the manager and the Rendernode were not able to run in the same machine in some cases.
• Fixed: potential crash when the “start node and manager in tray” preference was enabled.
• Changes implemented to detect machines that are in different subnets.
• Fixed: some machines did not display their name but their IP. Scenarios where this situation was a problem have been fixed.
• Animation jobs vastly improved. It is now possible to see all the frames running in the jobs tree and control them sepa¬rately (stop, remove, preview, etc.).
• Fixed: animation was not working if the padding was not composed by 4 numbers (name.xxxx.mxs notation). It now works with any number.
• More improvements in animation jobs (robustness and performance).
• Improvements in the management of the events queue.
• Better purging of temporary files to save space on disk.
• Fixed: current sampling level of nodes was not properly refreshed sometimes when a job was started (this was a display issue).
• Fixed: pending jobs can now be removed.
• Preview while rendering routines improved.
• It is now possible to change the preview tab using shift + arrow keys for switching between displays. This is especially useful in animations to quickly preview sequences.
• Fixed: potential issue sending big packages via TCP.
Stability improvements when a node fails in an animation job.
• The manager now checks if any of the Rendernodes are running a different version and shows a warning.
• Fixed scenario where the user sets frames in the animation string that do not exist.
• The monitors now show the time left for each job (in animations monitors also show the time left for each frame sepa¬rately).
• Channels are now properly saved in the final output folder.
• Added image depth option to the job render options panel.
• Preview tabs are not repeated now: if the user selects a preview of a job/ node/ frame already shown in the preview area, its current display is refreshed instead of creating a new preview tab.
• Some general optimizations implemented.
• Fixed some UI issues.










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2012龙年春节团拜纪念邮核心会员热心助人奖新秀奖宝石收藏家忠实粉丝Sketchup建模大赛 第七期 TOP5

jiangminghappy 2009-11-4 21:13:47








Rank: 2

psychon 2009-11-8 10:06:40
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