DRL10展亭既是一个庇护所,也是舞台,其连续的弧形造型吸引着人们的好奇心,并吸引人们去进入其空间内。 Offering both shelter and stage, the DRL10 Pavilion’s continuous curved form invites curiosity and urges occupation.
无论是视觉冲击力还是功能上的多样性,该展亭都是一个模糊的结构。一系列独特的平面混凝土和钢构件经过数字化切割和组装,形成了一个独特的曲线形体。用户的运动和城市的视角使结构从不透明到透明,引入并邀请用户在空间内运动。 Both visually striking and functionally diverse, the pavilion is an ambiguous structure. An array of individually unique flat concrete and steel elements are digitally cut and assembled to create a singular curved form. User movement and city perspectives transform the structure from opaque to transparent, introducing and inviting movement within the space.
这个实验性的设计研究项目是庆祝建筑协会设计研究实验室成立十周年的国际设计竞赛的获奖作品。该设计挑战了材料和结构性能的极限,同时激发了策展人和城市居民的密集使用。 This experimental design research project was the winning entry to an international design competition to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Design Research Lab at the Architectural Association. The design challenged limits of material and structural performance while inspiring both curators and city residents to use it intensively.
Project: DRL10 Pavilion Design firm: Synthesis Design + Architecture, Nex— Location: London & Singapore , United Kingdom Project size: 110 m2 Project Budget: $250000 Completion date: 2008 Building levels: 1 Lighting: DHA Design Engineer: AKTII Photo credit: James Brittain 建模图片
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