- DR render nodes on machines that are not licensed should now use the clients license properly
- Fixed problem with the sun light showing up when it should not
1.48.70 ----------
- We have temporarily disabled the progress window until we can track down a performance issue - Made a ui arrangement for Color Mapping / Output / TexBitmap / TexGrid
- Fixed problem where R2P.rb would not be found if Sketchup wasn't installed into a path structure that we expected ( Google SketchUp 7/Sketchup/ or some other iteration that says the Sketchup version number )
- Fixed alpha multiplier / alpha offset to use spin boxes instead of textures for everything
- Fixed problems with apply material to selection
- Fixed issue with apply material to layer
- Fixed issue that prevented imported skp materials from bringing materials in correctly
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- Glossy effects in global switches is now used by glossy plugins
- Do maps, and other global switches also are used by plugins
- Internal fix related to back button in license dialog
- Fixed issue where irradiance maps could not be reused ( also light cache )
- We removed the hard-coded path to "Application Data" that caused problems on non-English versions of XP
- Removed "flip" in TexFresnel where putting a White AColor texture would not match output of white color
- Hidden lights option in global switches should now be used
- Fixed issue where path tracing was not being utilized properly by light cache
- Materials with '/' (forward slashes) in their name caused a major problem since we now use a URL system for identifying plugin relationships - we've added some code to warn users about this issue and update materials to use names without the "/"
- Changing the bitmap texture through our Material Editor should no longer mess with the uvs on the Sketchup side
- HDR images will now preview properly
- Fixed a problem where some special characters like '[' or ']' would cause material previews to not run properly or possibly crash
- Fixed problem where files were not being saved correctly from the vfb
- Fixed an issue where "Apply material by layer" would still apply even if the user pressed "Cancel"
- Fixed an issue where removing the current material would leave the material's UI Form still open
- Fixed issue with "Duplicate Material" functionality not being implemented properly
- Fixed issue with "Alpha Offset" and "Alpha Multiplier" for TexBitmap
- Fixed issue where copying and pasting between Sketchup sessions would not notify us about new materials
- Made some internal error changes to try to output some more information ( computer specs, etc )
- Licensing dialog should now autofill the default V-Ray License Server port number '
- We modified file browsers to make it more difficult to choose invalid file types