新版本Google Sketchup功能一览
2009-09-05 20:13
Coming Soon in Google SketchUp...
from SketchUpdate by Tasha Danko
Google Sketchup是一款简单易用的三维建模工具,主要应用于建筑,家装行业。目前有免费版本和专业版本两种,下一个版本的免费版会放弃支持导入 AutoCAD的dwg和dxf格式,很多人对觉得这个决定太突兀,包括我在内。仔细看了一下他们博客上的说明在字里行间发现原来他们想借此迫使更多的人 选择专业版,不得不说google不是很擅长做这种事。和不少人一样,我不会去下载新的版本而会继续使用现在的版本7。
I don't often talk about new things we're building before we nudge them gently out the door, but this time I thought I'd provide some info to everyone. We've been working hard on our next release of Google SketchUp since late last year, and have cooked up a bunch of new stuff that I know you're going to like. But we're also doing a little housecleaning. More on that in a bit.
在 新版本正式发布以前我很少谈会推出什么新功能的,这次我想我可以让大家先了解一些。从去年年底开始我们就开始为下一个版本的Google Sketchup的发布做准备,我们还真的搞出来一些新鲜的玩意,我想大家都会喜欢的。但是我们也做了一些清理工作,先谈谈清理掉的那部分。
We originally designed the Free and Pro versions of Google SketchUp for pretty different groups of people. Google SketchUp was intended to be a tool that anyone in the world could learn to use. It contains every single modeling tool that we've ever developed without any restrictions on file size, rendering quality or performance. If you've got a 3D problem to solve, we want you to use Google SketchUp to solve it. That's why we give it away for free!
我们一开始开发Google Sketchup的免费版本和专业版本的时候,考虑的是各种各样的用户群体。Google Sketchup应该是一款人人都可以学都可以用的工具,不管你在什么地方,讲什么语言。它包括我们为建模开发的各种工具,没有文件大小渲染效果或者应用性能的限制。如果你要解决一个三维方面的问题,我们建议你尝试一下Google Sketchup。这也是为什么我们推出免费版本的原因。
In addition to that, Google SketchUp Pro offers a collection of special tools to help Pros go about the daily business of design, visualization and client communication. This means all of our presentation, analysis and documentation tools along with an industrial strength set of file translators to get models in and out of the myriad of tools in a professional's workflow. Along with all those great modeling tools.
除此之外,Google Sketchup专业版还提供一系列工具,帮助专业人士处理设计,视觉效果和客户沟通等日常问题。这意味着我们我们所有的展示,分析,文档,文件转换以及模型在各种软件间导入导出都要达到行业要求的专业级别,这还不包括非常实用的建模工具。
We originally assumed that our free Google SketchUp users would never really need to export models into other tools. As it turned out, folks wanted to use Google SketchUp models in all kinds of crazy ways. Things that we could never have imagined! We decided that Google SketchUp users should be able to export their models into some easy-to-read and fundamentally hackable file format to make this easier. Your models should be yours to do with as you see fit.
当 初我们想Google Sketchup免费版的用户不需要把模型导入到其他软件里。结果我们发现Google Sketchup的用户相当能折腾,这是我们始料未及的。我们决定Google Sketchup的用户应该可以把他们制作的模型导出为易读,易用的文件格式,这样问题就会变得简单一些。你的模型就是你的,你爱怎么整就怎么整。
Our pick for that new format is COLLADA, a 3D model exchange format that is open, extensible and public. We've been using COLLADA internally for some time now for 3D buildings in Google Earth, and there's a lot to like about it. It's easy to read, easy to write, and easy to extend for new features. I hope you'll like it, too.
In our next release, we're going to make COLLADA an official first-class format for all modelers. You'll be able to import and export COLLADA models, as well as COLLADA models wrapped up in the KMZ format for Google Earth, with any version of SketchUp.
Unfortunately, this improvement won't come without a cost. Import/export capability is tough for us to maintain and tough for you to use effectively. There are just so many fiddly little settings on both sides of a file exchange that it is always a challenge to get everything working just right. Looking forward, we decided to make a trade-off.
In the next release of Google SketchUp, our free modeler, we've decided to remove the dwg/dxf importers. We know how important these importers are to our professional customers, especially those who depend on CAD products in their daily work. And for that reason we'll focus our attention on supporting them in Google SketchUp Pro, where we really understand all the nuances of your workflow and where we can provide professional support to troubleshoot your issues.
即 将发布的Sketchup免费版我们将去掉dwg/dxf导入功能。对我们专业版的用户来说,这一功能非常重要,特别是这些每天都在用CAD软件的用户。 出于这个原因我们会继续支持专业版里的这一功能,我们了解你的工作流程中的每一个细小流程,为此我们会提供专业的支持来解决你会遇到的任何问题。
I hope you'll agree with our decision once you've had a chance to play with COLLADA, but I realize that making a change like this unannounced might disrupt projects you've already got under way. That's why I'm giving you some advanced notice so you can prepare for the change.
Our next version will be ready soon, and it will be a free upgrade if you've got a full Google SketchUp Pro 7 license (if you've got a license for an earlier version of Pro, you can still upgrade to the new version for $95). We want you to try it without any fear that our changes will upset your ongoing projects. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by many of the changes we've made. For those of you who depend on the importers we plan to remove, we'll be providing an optional download that enables them again. But remember! This installer will only be available for a limited time, and it will not be supported at all in our next major release.
下 一个版本很快就会推出,如果你有Google Sketchup专业版7的许可证就可以获得免费升级的机会。(如果你有之前版本的许可证,你也可以付$95升级到最新的版本)。我们希望你能放心的使用 新的版本,不必担心这些改动会对你正在进行的项目造成负面的影响,我想你更有可能会惊喜地发现我们居然会做出这么多的改动。对于在使用我们即将去掉的导入 功能的用户,我们会提供一个仍然支持导入功能的单独版本,需要注意的是这个安装包只能使用一段时间,将来的升级版本也不再支持。
If you aren't yet a Pro user and you're using SketchUp in your daily work, I hope you'll consider upgrading to Google SketchUp Pro. Just in case you're still on the fence about this, we'll give you $100 USD off a single-user license if you purchase before September 30, 2009 (enter promo code S7MPTR in our online store).
Thanks for your attention, and I look forward to sharing the next version of Google SketchUp with all of you soon!
多谢关注,希望早点和大家分享下一版本的Google Sketchup。
Posted by John Bacus, SketchUp Product Manager |