刚安装上就出现load error 跟下面的前半部分一样。找不到en-US 文件夹里的.rb格式文件。。可是我看了。他明明就在呀。su就说找不到
再按了curviloft 就出现下面的东西了
Error Loading File examples.rb
No such file or directory - F:/anthea's/软件/sketchup pro7/Resources/en-US/gettingstarted.stringsError Loading File utilities.rb
No such file or directory - F:/anthea's/软件/sketchup pro7/Resources/en-US/Utilities.strings(eval):1:in `module_eval': compile error
(eval):1: syntax error
module Traductor ;Traductor::T6Mod.enable(self, 'F:/anthea's/软件/sketchup pro7/Plugins/LIBFREDO6_Dir_35', 'LibFredo6') ; MYDEFPARAM = MYPLUGIN.create_def_param(self) ; SU_MAJOR_VERSION = (Sketchup.version[0..0]).to_i ; PC_OR_MAC = (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/i) ? 'MAC' : 'PC' ;end
(eval):1: Invalid char `\274' in expression
(eval):1: Invalid char `\376' in expression
(eval):1: syntax error
module Traductor ;Traductor::T6Mod.enable(self, 'F:/anthea's/软件/sketchup pro7/Plugins/LIBFREDO6_Dir_35', 'LibFredo6') ; MYDEFPARAM = MYPLUGIN.create_def_param(self) ; SU_MAJOR_VERSION = (Sketchup.version[0..0]).to_i ; PC_OR_MAC = (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/i) ? 'MAC' : 'PC' ;end
(eval):1: syntax error
module Traductor ;Traductor::T6Mod.enable(self, 'F:/anthea's/软件/sketchup pro7/Plugins/LIBFREDO6_Dir_35', 'LibFredo6') ; MYDEFPARAM = MYPLUGIN.create_def_param(self) ; SU_MAJOR_VERSION = (Sketchup.version[0..0]).to_i ; PC_OR_MAC = (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/i) ? 'MAC' : 'PC' ;end
(eval):1: syntax error
module Traductor ;Traductor::T6Mod.enable(self, 'F:/anthea's/软件/sketchup pro7/Plugins/LIBFREDO6_Dir_35', 'LibFredo6') ; MYDEFPARAM = MYPLUGIN.create_def_param(self) ; SU_MAJOR_VERSION = (Sketchup.version[0..0]).to_i ; PC_OR_MAC = (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/i) ? 'MAC' : 'PC' ;end
(eval):1: syntax error
module Traductor ;Traductor::T6Mod.enable(self, 'F:/anthea's/软件/sketchup pro7/Plugins/LIBFREDO6_Dir_35', 'LibFredo6') ; MYDEFPARAM = MYPLUGIN.create_def_param(self) ; SU_MAJOR_VERSION = (Sketchup.version[0..0]).to_i ; PC_OR_MAC = (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/i) ? 'MAC' : 'PC' ;end
(eval):1: syntax error
module Traductor ;Traductor::T6Mod.enable(self, 'F:/anthea's/软件/sketchup pro7/Plugins/LIBFREDO6_Dir_35', 'LibFredo6') ; MYDEFPARAM = MYPLUGIN.create_def_param(self) ; SU_MAJOR_VERSION = (Sketchup.version[0..0]).to_i ; PC_OR_MAC = (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/i) ? 'MAC' : 'PC' ;end
(eval):1: unterminated string meets end of file
(eval):1: syntax error
module Traductor ;Traductor::T6Mod.enable(self, 'F:/anthea's/软件/sketchup pro7/Plugins/LIBFREDO6_Dir_35', 'LibFredo6') ; MYDEFPARAM = MYPLUGIN.create_def_param(self) ; SU_MAJOR_VERSION = (Sketchup.version[0..0]).to_i ; PC_OR_MAC = (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/i) ? 'MAC' : 'PC' ;end
^Error Loading File ZLoader__Curviloft.rb
(eval):1:in `module_eval': compile error
(eval):1: syntax error
module Traductor ;Traductor::T6Mod.enable(self, 'F:/anthea's/软件/sketchup pro7/Plugins/LIBFREDO6_Dir_35', 'LibFredo6') ; MYDEFPARAM = MYPLUGIN.create_def_param(self) ; SU_MAJOR_VERSION = (Sketchup.version[0..0]).to_i ; PC_OR_MAC = (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/i) ? 'MAC' : 'PC' ;end
(eval):1: Invalid char `\274' in expression
(eval):1: Invalid char `\376' in expression
(eval):1: syntax error
module Traductor ;Traductor::T6Mod.enable(self, 'F:/anthea's/软件/sketchup pro7/Plugins/LIBFREDO6_Dir_35', 'LibFredo6') ; MYDEFPARAM = MYPLUGIN.create_def_param(self) ; SU_MAJOR_VERSION = (Sketchup.version[0..0]).to_i ; PC_OR_MAC = (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/i) ? 'MAC' : 'PC' ;end
(eval):1: syntax error
module Traductor ;Traductor::T6Mod.enable(self, 'F:/anthea's/软件/sketchup pro7/Plugins/LIBFREDO6_Dir_35', 'LibFredo6') ; MYDEFPARAM = MYPLUGIN.create_def_param(self) ; SU_MAJOR_VERSION = (Sketchup.version[0..0]).to_i ; PC_OR_MAC = (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/i) ? 'MAC' : 'PC' ;end
(eval):1: syntax error
module Traductor ;Traductor::T6Mod.enable(self, 'F:/anthea's/软件/sketchup pro7/Plugins/LIBFREDO6_Dir_35', 'LibFredo6') ; MYDEFPARAM = MYPLUGIN.create_def_param(self) ; SU_MAJOR_VERSION = (Sketchup.version[0..0]).to_i ; PC_OR_MAC = (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/i) ? 'MAC' : 'PC' ;end
(eval):1: syntax error
module Traductor ;Traductor::T6Mod.enable(self, 'F:/anthea's/软件/sketchup pro7/Plugins/LIBFREDO6_Dir_35', 'LibFredo6') ; MYDEFPARAM = MYPLUGIN.create_def_param(self) ; SU_MAJOR_VERSION = (Sketchup.version[0..0]).to_i ; PC_OR_MAC = (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/i) ? 'MAC' : 'PC' ;end
(eval):1: syntax error
module Traductor ;Traductor::T6Mod.enable(self, 'F:/anthea's/软件/sketchup pro7/Plugins/LIBFREDO6_Dir_35', 'LibFredo6') ; MYDEFPARAM = MYPLUGIN.create_def_param(self) ; SU_MAJOR_VERSION = (Sketchup.version[0..0]).to_i ; PC_OR_MAC = (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/i) ? 'MAC' : 'PC' ;end
(eval):1: unterminated string meets end of file
(eval):1: syntax error
module Traductor ;Traductor::T6Mod.enable(self, 'F:/anthea's/软件/sketchup pro7/Plugins/LIBFREDO6_Dir_35', 'LibFredo6') ; MYDEFPARAM = MYPLUGIN.create_def_param(self) ; SU_MAJOR_VERSION = (Sketchup.version[0..0]).to_i ; PC_OR_MAC = (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/i) ? 'MAC' : 'PC' ;end
^Error Loading File dynamiccomponents.rb
No such file or directory - F:/anthea's/软件/sketchup pro7/Resources/en-US/dynamiccomponents.stringsError Loading File make_pano_pm.rb
No such file or directory - F:/anthea's/软件/sketchup pro7/Resources/en-US/gettingstarted.stringsError Loading File sandboxtools.rb
No such file or directory - F:/anthea's/软件/sketchup pro7/Resources/en-US/Sandbox.stringsError Loading File about.rb
undefined method `file_loaded?' for main:Object
请问curviloft 应该怎么安装呢?解压后有两个文件夹CURVILOFT_Dir_10和LIBFREDO6_Dir_35还有LibFredo6.rb和ZLoader__Curviloft.rb