Change Log:
- Fixed an issue that caused rectangle lights to show up at the wrong position and/or swap their width / height when upgrading old scenes
- Fixed problem that prevented DR from functioning properly on Mac
- Found that we needed to flip normals in a calculation we do when upgrading rectangle lights from old scenes
- Fixed a bug that caused the highlight / reflection glossiness maps to not get used properly
- Fixed a bug where component definitions from Google Warehouse having the same name caused incorrect renders. ( We now refer to component definitions by appending its name and guid because its possible to have duplicate names if you get definitions from the Google Warehouse )
- 'Reflect on backside' option is now enabled by default like it was in our previous official release
- Modified the way we handle dr initialization that should resolve the problems introduced when using more than one dr slave at a time
- Fixed a mixup that caused DR renders to not start up properly
- Fixed an issue that caused importing materials to not work correctly
- Fixed an issue that caused imported Sketchup Images to not get rendered properly
- Fixed issue that caused "apply material to selection" feature in Material Editor to not function properly
- Fixed issue on Windows that caused our previous unicode file path fixes for loading / saving visopts / vismats to not work correctly
- Made it so we no longer use cpu resources when sketchup is idle
- Fixed issue that caused the VFB button to crash
- Fixed a bug where DOF would not work properly when using the physical camera
- Closing Sketchup while a render is in progress will no longer hang
- Sketchup shortcuts should now work while a render is in progress
- Fixed issue that caused unicode visopt / vismat names to not get loaded properly
- Fixed glitch in VFB that made it so you could not resize it after clicking the bottom-right button that shows the framebuffer options
- Made it so Skp2Sided material would pass the force 1 sided to its sub-materials
- Modified the way we render so that we no longer interrupt the Sketchup event loop.
- If you hit the render button back-to-back it should no longer cause a crash
- Fixed issue where the default material name when saving would be the last material you saved
- Fixed issue where importing materials was not working anymore
- Fixed internal bug that could cause crashes when adding materials from the Sketchup library and caused odd error log messages
- Material preview should now refresh itself correctly
- Material preview should now get saved properly when the render finishes
- Resolved issue related to our floating-point spin boxes not working properly in non-US country settings
- The spin box issue also caused other issues like an all-white render output - so if you experienced very odd effects with 1.48.75 and you are not using American-style settings then it could be related to that.
- We now put a trailing .0 or ,0 ( depending on locale ) for all floating-point spin box values if they are just integers. For example what would display as "1" in our last build would now be "1.0" or "1,0" depending on locale settings
- Fixed problem where subasset bitmap would replace top-level texture for the diffuse layer's color texture
- DR nodes remove the scene file on each render - hopefully this will resolve the odd situation where scene files do not refresh correctly
- Closing the vfb will cancel the current render
- Took out block that caused it to be impossible to work while rendering
- Opening mated / opted should always bring it to the top
- Windows should no longer flash during the startup process
- The vast majority of our float spinboxes have trimmed useless 0's
- Modified the way our material preview sends pixel data to the preview window...this should resolve issue where previews cause immediate crashing on Mac
- Fixed problem on Mac side that caused our oldest vismats to crash when being loaded.
- Fixed issue with right-click menu in material editor not going away sometimes ( Mac version )
- Made slight change to DRSpawner that tweaked a python garbage collection call. It seems to have fixed a crash that would shutdown the spawner every couple renders
- DR render nodes on machines that are not licensed should now use the clients license properly
- Fixed problem with the sun light showing up when it should not
- We have temporarily disabled the progress window until we can track down a performance issue
- Made a ui arrangement for Color Mapping / Output / TexBitmap / TexGrid
- Fixed problem where R2P.rb would not be found if Sketchup wasn't installed into a path structure that we expected ( Google SketchUp 7/Sketchup/ or some other iteration that says the Sketchup version number )
- Fixed alpha multiplier / alpha offset to use spin boxes instead of textures for everything
- Fixed problems with apply material to selection
- Fixed issue with apply material to layer
- Fixed issue that prevented imported skp materials from bringing materials in correctly
- Glossy effects in global switches is now used by glossy plugins
- Do maps, and other global switches also are used by plugins
- Internal fix related to back button in license dialog
- Fixed issue where irradiance maps could not be reused ( also light cache )
- We removed the hard-coded path to "Application Data" that caused problems on non-English versions of XP
- Removed "flip" in TexFresnel where putting a White AColor texture would not match output of white color
- Hidden lights option in global switches should now be used
- Fixed issue where path tracing was not being utilized properly by light cache
- Materials with '/' (forward slashes) in their name caused a major problem since we now use a URL system for identifying plugin relationships - we've added some code to warn users about this issue and update materials to use names without the "/"
- Changing the bitmap texture through our Material Editor should no longer mess with the uvs on the Sketchup side
- HDR images will now preview properly
- Fixed a problem where some special characters like '[' or ']' would cause material previews to not run properly or possibly crash
- Fixed problem where files were not being saved correctly from the vfb
- Fixed an issue where "Apply material by layer" would still apply even if the user pressed "Cancel"
- Fixed an issue where removing the current material would leave the material's UI Form still open
- Fixed issue with "Duplicate Material" functionality not being implemented properly
- Fixed issue with "Alpha Offset" and "Alpha Multiplier" for TexBitmap
- Fixed issue where copying and pasting between Sketchup sessions would not notify us about new materials
- Made some internal error changes to try to output some more information ( computer specs, etc )
- Licensing dialog should now autofill the default V-Ray License Server port number
- We modified file browsers to make it more difficult to choose invalid file types
原文地址:http://software.asgvis.com/suppo ... 3%20Now%20Available
(中国电信的DNS服务器好像跟asgvis有仇,拒绝解析asgvis的域名,会造成VFS官网所有网址不可访问,愤怒!) |