Thea Render v1.1.05 Revision 628 (3 February 12)
- Navigation/selection modifier keys (Shift, Ctrl, Alt) are not processed now when cursor is outside Viewport (solving problem with Alt+Click previewing thumbnail tooltips). (UI)
- Synchronized UV coordinates editing between Viewport, Properties and Material Editor. (UI)
- Changing UV coordinates updates dirt map as well now. (UI)
Thea Render v1.1.05 Revision 627 (1 February 12)
- Better refresh mechanism for TR1/TR2/PBD in studio darkroom. (UI)
- Added editing of position coordinates for selection in the main interface. (UI)
- Added editing of UV Coordinates properties for selection in the main interface. (UI)
- Implemented workaround for OpenGL selection when dealing with meshes with junk vertices. (UI)
- Added Displacement global switch to render settings. (UI)
- Added samples per pixel stopping criterion for unbiased/progressive render methods. (Unbiased/Progressive engines)
- Added more consistency checks (for normals and uv) for meshes. (I/O)
- Improved formula for bumped glossy and coating (leading to better shadow definition and reduced noise). (All engines)
- Added undo when changing texture UV coordinates. (UI)
- Fix for "overzealous" missing bitmap dialog (popping up empty). (UI)
- Added command line opening in matlab and darkroom mode when opening mat.thea and img.thea files. (Shell)
- Fix when dropping a displaced material on a non-displaced (and vice versa) during interactive render. (IR)
- Fixed micto-bump for displaced models. (All engines)
- Pressing the exit big button in matlab and client user interface mode exits immediately without asking. (UI)
- Fixed viewing now in darkroom hdr/rgb float bitmaps (when double clicking on textures panel). (UI)
- Added support for IR engines inside normal (darkroom) render settings. (UI)
- Bump and normal mapping are now independent of scaling (when using bitmaps). (All engines)
- Added custom installation folder for libraries. (Installation)
- Fix for bump/normal mapping when rotation is applied. (All engines)
- When changing now texture for a grouped point light, child lights get the new texture. (UI)
- Grayscale images can be read now and stored more efficiently internally. (I/O)
- Added more flags in the context menu of models and point lights. (UI)
- Corrected motion setup copy-paste and added "Paste Follow". (Motion)
- Scene merging is now applied recursively on model and light groups. (I/O)
- Improved clean up after merging scene with model conflicts. (I/O)
- Added complex motion and menu context options for defining multiple-track motion. (Motion)
- Fixed funny mouse behaviour when draggin sun on hemisphere gizmo on 64-bit systems. (UI)
- Fixed bump/normal/anisotropy mapping on certain triangular meshes. (All engines)
- Fixed UV bump/normal mapping dealing now correctly with left handed frames. (All engines)
- Fixed Cubic/Cylindrical/Spherical mapping when used with bump/normal mapping. (All engines)
- When user is at a camera, a tooltip appears and when it is mounted, the tooltip and focus rectangle go red. (UI)
- Refreshing now list controls with added bitmaps after drag and dropping materials. (UI)
- Added support for solid texture mode without lighting in Viewport (toggled with key 'L'). (UI)
- Added support for texture tonemap complement on specific bands (red/green/blue or combinations) - to be used with DirectX or other variants of normal maps. (UI)
- Added committing position to models (this is skipped for animated and shared meshes). (UI-I/O)
- Added support for extended name-bitmap tooltips that are shown (centered) when alt+clicking on list icon (shift-click on linux). (UI)