Chaos Group V-Ray RT GPU Rendering Demo - SIGGRAPH 2009
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This demo was presented by Chaos Group on August 6, 2009 at the SIGGRAPH 2009 Chaos Group User Event. During the event the first public showing of their GPU rendering tests were presented to a packed house. This video showcases the recently released V-Ray RT using an NVIDIA GeForce 285 GPU. While this GPU verson is not a shipping product yet, already this technology demo features rendering speeds and quality surpassing all of the current GPU rendering applications that we've seen to date. Several high level industry representatives in attendance commented that this demo was the highlight of SIGGRAPH 2009.
Video Notes
This demo currently uses CUDA, but Chaos Group is looking to possibly port to OpenCL
Once a shipping product, the GPU rendering version of V-Ray RT will support distrubuted Rendering
The product will support more than one GPU
There was no date announced about the release of this product
What seperate their solution from all others is that the GPU rendering output MATCHES the production render quality from a CPU rendered frame buffer exactly!
All of the demos were rendered at 640 x 480
本演示是由Chaos Group在2009年8月6日举办SIGGRAPH 2009 Chaos Group用户活动上所展示.活动中首先公开展示的是他们用一系列的场景来进行GPU渲染测试.本视频记录了最新发布的V-Ray RT使用一块NVIDIA GeForce 285 GPU计算的过程.虽然这个GPU版本还没有公开发售,但是这个技术演示所呈现的渲染速度和质量超过了目前所有的GPU渲染软件.数位出席的高水准行业代表评价此展示是SIGGRAPH 2009的一大亮点.
本演示目前利用CUDA技术,但是Chaos Group正在寻找OpenCL的可用接口
V-Ray RT的GPU渲染版本在正式发行时将支持分布式渲染技术
所有演示均在640 x 480下进行
来源: ... AOS-GROUP-GPU.shtml